The Importance of Embracing Change as a Concrete Contractor

As every project and construction plan is different, deciding what will contribute to best practices may vary. Working together as a team is helpful so that the owner and engineers working on a project can integrate ideas from construction documents to come up with the most efficient building process possible for their project. As a concrete contractor and an expert in your industry, you might often identify systems or products that can contribute to greater efficiency and greater product production.

The importance of embracing change in an era of technological advancement may not be easy for many people to understand, but it needs to be acknowledged. Oftentimes, people are receptive to change no matter what the scenario, however, the success of carrying out changes depends on your approach and relationships with the parties involved. Here are some things to keep in mind when considering new construction and concrete machines.

  • Identify Key Issues | Technology is moving faster than standards. As a result, you can deliver better and quicker results to your clients. It is important to identify the facts that pertain to how new products can improve the overall efficiency and time spent on the project.
  • Prepare the Right Delivery | The best thing a contractor can do is to gather all of the technical aspects of concrete and get involved with the industry through associations and industry groups as a way to gain the necessary knowledge. You are going to have deliver researched suggestions with the owner, general contractor or engineer in a somewhat crafty manner to win them over. Your objective is to sell the idea that a specification or product upgrade would somehow benefit the project to the appropriate party.
  • Share Your Knowledge | Your willingness to share your expertise in construction and knowledge about the latest building trends and products can help differentiate your company from the competition. It will also help build trusting relationships with your customers. It is extremely important to position yourself as a concrete expert to your clients, and educate them on the new trends and practices in concrete construction before a product. The same goes for your employees, you want to be sure that everyone is on the same page and understands the reasons behind your practices.

Some of Somero’s new products for example, include the S-10A Laser Screed® model which is a fully-automated, self-leveling 10-foot screed head that is optimized for maximum project productivity. Also, the S-15R Laser Screed modelnow has a 10-foot screed head allowing for greater area coverage compared to the old 8-foot-screed-head.

With new and improved features being developed daily, it is important as a concrete contractor to stay up to date with these trends. For more information about Somero and our latest concrete products, click here.